Monday, August 14, 2006

The Making of An International Bestseller

Orikinla Osinachi's Scarlet Tears of London is fast becoming an international bestseller and for a new collection of poems by a new writer that is quite phenomenal and is now selling fast on Barnes & Noble

People who bought the book on Barnes & Noble also bought the following:
Gone Lisa Gardner
The Prophet Kahlil Gibran
Inferno Dante Alighieri John Ciardi
Paradise Lost (Barnes & Noble Classics Series) John Milton, David Hawkes (Introduction)
The Iliad and the Odyssey Homer, Samuel Butler (Translator)

I have read Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet since 1980 with John Milton's Paradise Lost and of course I have read Homer's classics.

For those who don't me very well, Orikinla Osinachi is my pen name online and offline.

Scarlet Tears of London is also being sold on MSN Shopping, and of course on Amazon as shown below.

I am very glad and grateful to God that my book is going places globally.

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